I wish I could share my own testimonials. I wish I could write about the things that I see every day in the spirit world. How things change after a spiritual healing or cleansing ceremony is done. And how that change that happens in the spiritual reality is reflected in our regular reality. Also, I wish I could write about the changes that I see in my students. How when they apply what learned their life has beautiful changes.
Traditionally the testimonials come from the students or the people receiving a service, not from me. So let’s keep it traditional. Please share your beautiful story. It is about you and about how when we are connected with spirit and open our heart wonderful things can happen.
Please help me spread the word about Shamanism & Curanderismo and what I do by adding a rating or review about me, my workshops, ceremonies, retreats, spiritual travels, private consultations or services. Also about my center.
Thank you so much for sharing your stories!…gracias!
*Click on the testimonial title to read more
Limitless Gratitude for Paloma
My gratitude for Paloma is limitless. Thanks to her spiritual leadership, wisdom, and compassion, I engage in a daily practice of gratitude that keeps me centered with tranquility, fortified by resilience, and immersed in love. When I first met Paloma, I experienced strange physical symptoms that modern medicine could not (and still cannot) explain. Through… Read more “Limitless Gratitude for Paloma”
An Amazing Spiritual Leader
Paloma made me feel welcome and comfortable since the moment I entered her center, where the ambiance felt warm and peaceful. She is very in tune with nature and the spiritual world. When I consulted with her twice, she told me what she saw, and both times it was confirmation to what I was feeling.… Read more “An Amazing Spiritual Leader”
Believe in Miracles!
I found Paloma 3 years ago. I’d been bewitched but I didn’t know it. I just felt I wasn’t me anymore. All my life was falling apart; my relationship with my husband, our finances, my health. Something inside me kept telling me I had to go to a Curandera. That’s how I found her. Since… Read more “Believe in Miracles!”
Para ser honesta no tengo idea que estaba buscando. Solo sabia dentro de mi que algo no estaba bien. Una amiga me recomendo que fuera a ver a Paloma Cervantes. Me sentia un poco intranquila con la idea de visitar una Curandera. Mi amiga me acompano. Desde el momento que conoci a Paloma senti como… Read more “Gracias!”
A great maestra! (Teacher)
The first time I talk to Paloma was a few years ago when she responded to my call. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for all I knew was that I wanted to learn how to protect myself and my family against negative energies. I researched online for a spiritual guide and came across… Read more “A great maestra! (Teacher)”
Working with her since 2000
In the year 2000, I reached out for Paloma when I was going through a difficult time with my divorce. I couldn’t figure out what to do. She helped me to get back on my feet. We did ceremonies to regain my strength and to release my negative feelings and depression. Since then, I keep… Read more “Working with her since 2000”
Working with Paloma since 2014.
I first started working with Paloma back in 2014. This was a very dark time in my life. I was very depressed, lost and extremely unhappy. After our email consultant, Paloma suggested a soul retrieval. I was raised Catholic, and I had never participated in a soul retrieval. Paloma took the time to explain everything,… Read more “Working with Paloma since 2014.”
Thank you Paloma
In the last year, many things have happened in my life. After being a week away from signing divorce papers, my soon to be ex-husband was diagnosed with cancer. I came back to take care of him. These events had me questioning my own spirituality & seeking guidance. After attending various types of spiritual groups,… Read more “Thank you Paloma”
Thank you Paloma!
Life changing
A friend and I drove from LA to Fresno to have a cleansing session with Paloma in 2018. I did not expect it to be as spiritually profound as it was. I released a lot of negative energy that day and felt that my path of healing had opened up. Not only did I feel… Read more “Life changing”
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